Thursday, July 12, 2007

A new world

Glass walls. Gust of fresh air, cold. Sweat, no longer sweaty. A feeling of honor almost coming, but lost somewhere in the crowd. Oh yes the crowd, more people like me or a lot better than. They speak tacitly in their vernacular. I don't understand them and even I speak in my vernacular with my brethren. Care less for what the rules are, in this space so enclosed with glass walls and air, as fresh as breath can get.

Surrounded by a circle of like minded people, or so I believe, a glance at the world outside this circle and I awe at the perfection with which this world has been created to perfection. I can still see the sun, can still see those streets flooded with people I once used to walk on, but I can't breathe that air and can't talk to those people. I can still see the world I left and yet not be a part of it. I haven't left it behind, can't leave it, it's still there right in front of me, but I am confined to a more limited space. A space quite defined by my ability to willingly be a part of it. I could have chosen to walk away from it, the glass walls, but no one would care less for my willingness to not be a part of it, or more for my ability to walk away from it.

I stand behind those glass walls and stare, less at the world without and but more at my world within.

Confessions of a People Watcher

I know that there are three guys or maybe more living together right across my house in the building in front. I wonder what do they do together. I know that the people living next to them come out every evening to have their evening tea. I saw a new face today in the house just above their's. She looked pretty good from where I stay. I know that there is a girl living in the floor below mine who entices me with her mini-skirt. I doubt that she is married as I always see her carrying vegetables or talking to the maid. Though she looks really young. I know that a group of three guys wearing summer wear and a bag go some where. I think they go to the swimming pool, but I dunno where the pool is. I know that there is a girl in my building in the floor below mine who is dropped quite often by a guy, from college I guess.

I see a lot of people and I know them by their face and the activities they do. But all this is going to change soon, hopefully or hopelessly.